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CHANLA CHAU COSMETICS is brought to you by Beauty by Chanla LLC, experts in the skin and makeup field.

Owner Chanla with her daughter and number 1 fan.

Owner Chanla with her daughter and number 1 fan.


OUR MISSION: to create natural and effective skincare and beauty products you enjoy using everyday. We believe self care should be pleasant and want you to enjoy it as much as possible so we've created a simple + sensorial + indulgent product line with you in mind.

WHAT we are: a natural and plant based skin and beauty care line with a focus on healthy and bright skin all while using Earth's magical resources. We carefully hand pick each ingredient for your products, each one serves a purpose, meaning they are concentrated and do not contain fillers of any sort. 

WHO we are: beauty and Earth lovers. Chanla, our creator, is a esthetician with 10 + years of beauty industry experience with a passion in helping others with their skin and self worth. As our leader she takes pride in her expertise and continually researches, takes classes and is on a mission to create products that will work for you and be friendly to Mother Earth. 

WHY we started our company: Chanla worked for a major cosmetic retailer for years and saw the constant need and want for natural skin care that wasn’t being met by companies in big stores. Once she left her full time job to stay home with her 2 children she put all her focus on her family but realized she missed connection with customers & helping with their skin and with that she decided to do something for herself and her skin & eyebrow existing clients. She also needed that quiet time to herself, time doing something just for her, something she loved. Chanla started countless hours of research and created a few simple products. Little did she know that those products would impact people's skin leaving them wanting more. And so she did just that, gave them more.

HOW we are created: A lot of research, testing and trials on willing loved ones, classes, consults with cosmetic chemists, continual education in skincare, a background in esthetics, passion for mixing and creating, love for beauty ALL play a vital role in the creation of our products. Our products are all made by hand and formulated by Chanla herself. We pride ourselves on creating quality product. We look into each ingredient, where they are sourced, the best time to harvest, and so much more. We love certified organic, fair-trade, cruelty-free sources. The farms and businesses we source our ingredients from is extremely important to us and that is why we heavily research before picking our sources for our line. 

We make our products in micro-batches to ensure freshness. We want your new beauty care to be just that, new. Each ingredient is measured by weight a scale to provide preciseness and consistent product. We hand pour, package, label and ship everything ourselves. Literally almost everything is done by hand, including hand-sifting ingredients to give you the silkiest, softest, beautiful textures to play with on your skin. We hope you can tell our products are freshly made with the most love possible. 

Handmade with love each and every time 💕

Handmade with love each and every time 💕

* To ensure products are fresh, we have a production date every 2 weeks. We never send products that are more than 2 weeks old so please be patient as we may be making a fresh batch for you.

test on animals
use alcohol
use dyes
use fillers

WE ARE made of:
high quality + nutrient-rich + active ingredients
natural + organic + fair-trade sources
raw + natural materials from Earth
recyclable + reusable containers
love + knowledge + care


Suns out, buns out 🌞

We never ever test on animals.

Here is our good customer’s bunny named Coconut enjoying her time in the sun with our products. Thank you so much, Diana for sending us this special photo. It made us smile!

"If you have any questions about product recommendation, please e-mail me with your specific skin concerns and I will be happy to help you by creating a personalized beauty ritual I believe will be best for your skin. Thank you so very much, I look forward to connecting with you soon. <3"

- Chanla